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Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht


Maxima von Mustermensch unterstützt Sie nach Kündigung oder Aufhebungsvertrag

Skill Nummer 01
Skill Nummer 01
Skill Nummer 01
Skill Nummer 01


Exzellente Fachkenntnisse im jeweiligen Rechtsgebiet. Du bist in guten Händen und kannst dir sicher sein, dass keine Frage offen bleibt.


Jahrelange Erfahrung und Spezialisierung auf das jeweilige Rechtsgebiet. Du wirst optimal auf die nächsten Schritte vorbereitet und weißt, was auf dich zukommt.


Absoluter Fokus auf Service. Unser Ziel ist es, dass du zu deinem Recht kommst. Dafür gehen unsere Partneranwält:innen gerne die Extrameile.

Insurance 1
Lawyer, partner in employment and traffic law

We know how important it is to provide our insured persons with the best service. Thanks to this Legalhero, we can now support those affected faster and more efficiently.

Insurance 2
Specialist lawyer in employment law, partner in employment and traffic law

Working with partner lawyers in the Legalhero software has not only helped our insured persons to obtain their rights more quickly, but has also significantly optimized our internal processes.

Insurance 3
Helped in the legal field

With the help of Legalhero's software, we can now provide seamless and professional service to those seeking advice. Digitalization has never been easier!

Insurance 4
Lawyer & notary, partner in employment, traffic and tenancy law

In today's digital age, it is essential that we as insurance companies also offer modern solutions. Legalhero allows us to do just that. Thank you so much for that!

Insurance 5
Lawyer, partner in employment law

Our customers are impressed by the fast and digital legal service they receive from Legalbero software. A real game changer in the area of legal protection!

Insurance 6
Attorney-at-Law and Judge a.D.

We are proud to offer our clients the best possible access to law with the help of Legalhero software. We highly recommend working with Legalhero.

Insurance 7

Our insured persons deserve the best legal service. Thanks to Legalhero, we can deliver just that. We were also able to sustainably improve our control rate. Great recommendation!

Detlef Grube
Specialist lawyer in traffic law

In traffic law, relevant information and evidence are crucial. With Legalhero, I easily receive all data digitally, so that I can do my work much faster and better. Everyone involved benefits from this. I'm very satisfied.

Herwig Schöffller
Specialist lawyer in tenancy law

Legalhero optimizes the legal consulting industry to meet the needs of a digital world in which no one wants to wait days for a consultation appointment anymore. Everything is easy at the push of a button, which not only relieves the environment and clients, but also us lawyers.